Ag Plus Cooperative has partnered with the industry's leading seed producers for corn, soybeans, alfalfa, wheat, and a variety of specialty crops. Our knowledgeable agronomists will assist you in selecting the best seed for each field.
Our knowledgeable agronomists stay updated on the latest agronomy innovations and will ensure your seed and crop produce profitable yields. Seed treatment is an important part of your farm plan for the following reasons:
Seed Performance
Less Weed Pressure
Ignite ST gives every seed the same chemical message & the same food source at the same time, creating evenly emerged stands
Combination of 5 essential nutrients to boost germination and early growth
Blend of extracts including amino acids, glucose, & vitamins to induce enzyme activity, enhance germination & early growth
Includes a balanced ratio of Cytokinin, Gibberellic Acid, & Auxin to stimulate germination and early growth
Ignite White Mold ST combines a multi-mode of action bio stimulant and long proven SAR technology to suppress White Mold disease symptoms, even under high disease pressure
Combination of 5 essential nutrients to boost germination and early growth
Blend of extracts including amino acids, glucose, & vitamins to induce enzyme activity, enhance germination & early growth
Includes a balanced ratio of Cytokinin, Gibberellic Acid, & Auxin to stimulate germination and early growth
Provides broad-spectrum protection against early-season disease and insects to help improve root health, plant vigor and optimize yield potential
Contains four fungicides for multiple modes of action against early-season disease
Built from the strong foundation of Warden® CX, this seed treatment includes an additional, innovative active ingredient (Vayantis®) for enhanced disease protection
Improves Pythium defense resulting in improved plant stand
How do you go about selecting your seed for the coming production season? Do you only look at plot results? Do you stick with what you’ve had success with in the past? There’s more to selecting seed than simply planting last year’s plot winner. Below is the seven-step formula Ag Plus seed specialists use to make seed recommendations.
• Understanding soil texture, structure, and organic matter content.
• Soil pH management and the importance of lime applications.
• Addressing soil compaction through tillage or cover crops.
• Strategies for improving soil drainage or managing saturated soils.
• Evaluating yield stability across different environments.
• Selecting hybrids resistant to local pests or diseases.
• Utilizing data from local trials to choose regionally adapted genetics.
• Factoring in emergence vigor and drought tolerance.
• Choosing biotech traits based on weed and pest pressures.
• Selecting hybrids with traits that improve standability and stalk quality.
• Incorporating traits that help manage herbicide resistance.
• Leveraging multi-trait hybrids for broader protection and flexibility
• Adjusting planting rates for field zones with varying productivity.
• Using variable rate seeding technology to optimize population.
• Considering seed costs versus potential yield gains at higher populations.
• Evaluating planting dates’ influence on optimal population.
• Including alternative crops (e.g., wheat, alfalfa, or cover crops) to break disease cycles.
• Assessing the impact of rotations on soil microbiome health.
• Leveraging rotations to enhance nitrogen fixation or nutrient availability.
• Balancing rotational economics with soil conservation goals.
• Tailoring fertility programs to soil test results.
• Timing nutrient applications for maximum crop uptake (e.g., split applications).
• Using enhanced-efficiency fertilizers to minimize nutrient loss.
• Incorporating biologicals or microbial enhancers to improve nutrient availability.
• Rotating herbicide modes of action to combat resistance.
• Timely scouting to catch pest and disease outbreaks early.
• Evaluating ROI of fungicide applications under varying conditions.
• Integrating cultural practices (e.g., residue management) into pest control plans.
Corporate Office
1100 East Main Street
Marshall, MN 56258
(507) 532-9686
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