Our scientifically backed treatments ensure your crops are properly fed and shield them from from pests and diseases, allowing you to exceed your approved APH on every field you use the Rx program on. Our program helps you achieve more bushels than ever before, or we'll pay you back with warranties.
Get the highest field averages you've ever raised.
Get a minimum 3-to-1 return on your Rx Investment.
Get your neighbors asking what you're doing.
Boerboom Farms, Ghent, MN
"In the past we only used a standard fertilizer program. This year, with Ag Plus No Limits Rx, we got more bushels than we've ever had."
AgNess LLC, Aurora, SD
"We got a great yield with heavy grain, and everything was standing well. I'm excited to make tweaks and do it again next year."
Inconsistent weather, pests, and disease can wreak havoc on your crops, leading to lower yields and uncertain returns. Ag Plus No Limits Rx offers the solution you need to take control of your fields. With comprehensive crop plans that cover every input, we help you outgrow your challenges and increase your profitability. Our expert agronomists provide the in-season guidance you need to optimize inputs and hit your target yields.
Qualifying Seed must be purchased from Ag Plus
Qualifying Chemicals Must Be Purchased From Ag Plus
Qualifying In-Furrow Starter Must Be Used
Ag Plus Ignite ST**
Ag Plus Chasm FC
Ag Plus Dominate
Ag Plus Plush BMo
Ag Plus Plush Elite
Miravis® Neo
**Option to use 4oz/ac Ag Plus Dominate in-furrow as replacement
Qualifying Seed must be purchased from Ag Plus
Qualifying Chemicals Must Be Purchased From Ag Plus Cooperative
Ag Plus Ignite ST**
Ag Plus Chasm FC
Ag Plus Dominate
Ag Plus Plush BMo
Ag Plus Plush Elite
Miravis® Neo
**Option to use 4oz/ac Ag Plus Dominate in-furrow as replacement
Qualifying Seed must be purchased from Ag Plus and must be treated with Ignite Defender ST
Qualifying Chemicals Must Be Purchased From Ag Plus Cooperative
Ag Plus Ignite Defender ST
Ag Plus Ignite WM ST
Ag Plus Dominate
Ag Plus Plush BMo
Ag Plus Plush Elite
Miravis® Neo
Important: Before use always read and follow label instructions. Crop performance is dependent on several factors beyond the control of Ag Plus Cooperative, including without limitation, soil type, pest pressures, agronomic practices, and weather conditions.To be eligible for the Corn RX program, the following conditions must be met: (1) Purchase seed and chemical from Ag Plus, (2) Choose 4 Ag Plus Vigor2Yield products, and (3) Make a fungicide application. Warranty payout is a tiered system based on APH. Acres below 80% APH will not be paid out.
No Limits Rx Prescription Service Field Prerequisites
1. Field must be clean of weeds, with an acceptable plant stand.
2. Must have a soil sample within 4 years.
3. Have underlying fertility plant sufficient to enable yield exceeding APH trigger.
Prescription Service and Performance Warranty
1. The offer includes a prescription serviced by WinField United through selected retailers. The prescription service includes a scientifically based crop plan, in-season monitoring and advice from a local expert.
2. The prescription service includes a performance warranty based on minimum yield for the enrolled acres in the plan. If grower complies with grower prescription and if the actual weighted harvest yield for all acres enrolled in the same package falls below the weighted average 10 year Approved yield percentage trigger outlined in each package, grower may be entitled to recover a warranty claim. This prescription service is warranted to achieve applicable yield outcomes.
3. The agronomic prescription service begins with product recommendations; those recommendations are designed to deliver more predictable target yields and increase potential return on investment based on WinField United agronomic data, and field-specific recommendations of additional products may be made to growers to adjust to in-season crop conditions and field-specific characteristics.
1. The offer represents an agreement between WinField United and the grower.
2. The selected retailer will be acting as an execution agent for the WinField United offer.
3. The grower must provide accurate historical yield data on enrolled acres to establish the described APH yield and must have federal crop insurance on designated field.
4. The WinField United delivery of this service, and growers’ participation in this service offering, are subject to the terms and conditions provided in the grower participation agreement.
Corporate Office
1100 East Main Street
Marshall, MN 56258
(507) 532-9686
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