Vigor 2 Yield Plant Performance Profile

Plant Hormone Blend Proven to Increase Plant Growth and Development

Dominate combines the power of Cytokinin (Kinetin), Gibberellic Acid (GA) and Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) at the right ratio and right concentration to enhance the overall health and growth of the crop. The correct balance of these three plant hormones is critical for maximizing plant performance and yield potential

Benefits of Dominate

Boosts plant growth and development for higher yield potentials

Improves cell division and enlargement

Increases root and shoot development

Enhances photosynthesis and respiration

Reduces negative effects caused by stress

Excellent compatibility with row-starter fertilizers and pesticides

Use Rates

4-8 oz/Acre

Can be added to starter fertilizers, foliar fertilizers and pesticides

The correct balance of these three hormones is critical for maximizing plant performance and yield potential

Cytokinin (Kinetin)

Stimulates cell division, shoot growth, delays leaf senescence and activates dormant buds.

Gibberellic Acid (GA)

Stimulates shoot elongation, regulates production of hydrolytic enzymes in grains.

Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA)

IBA is an auxin that enhances root growth; involved in apical dominance, cell elongation and enhances fruit and seed development.

Dominate Corn Trials

Dominate Soybean Trials